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A Way to Wellness: Becoming Your Best Self

A Way to Wellness: Becoming Your Best Self

10/23/2024 06:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Jim Rouse Theater and Performing Arts Center 5460 Trumpeter Road Columbia, Maryland United States
Join Columbia Association and our Medical Advisory Board for expert advice on how to thrive! A panel of medical experts will talk about how movement, sleep and stress connect to our metabolism. Free childcare will be provided (registration required)! 

You can also join the panel discussion on Zoom. Click here to sign up for the virtual option. https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_sDaqkM5NTWatImet0ZIYDg#/registration

6-7pm interactive health expo
7-8:30pm expert panel 
The expert panel includes: 

Dr. Mark Corriere, endocrinologist 
Dr. Jyothi Rao, integrative medicine 
Dr. Eric Schwartz , Chief of Medicine at Howard County General Hospital 
Dr. Aby Washington, psychologist 
With opening remarks by Dr. Harry Oken, CA’s Chief Medical Officer "

Date and Time: Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 6:00pm

Location: Jim Rouse Theater and Performing Arts Center 5460 Trumpeter Road Columbia, Maryland United States

Register: Exploring Columbia on Foot (Jeffers Hill - A Walk in the Woods)

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